Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

MetroAuntie is knee deep in mince pie mix at the moment, so this will be a short post. But recently I have been doing some important research to find the most metrotastic video of 2012. After a lot of deliberating I have decided that Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe deserves the gong.

Why? Because it kicked off a whole reem of metrosexy men (and women) dancing and singing into their hairbrushes for the delectation of youtube viewers.

The military and sports teams came up with some sterling performances, but my favourite homage to the pop sensation is by the (topless) guys at Abercrombie and Fitch. However the original version is actually pretty great too. The stud who is the object of Carly’s ‘gaze’ reminds me of the model in that classic Levis ad from way back. And the twist to the tale at the end of the video reminds us that one reason metrosexuality is here to stay, is that it is perfectly able to send itself up. It doesn’t really need people like me to point out how homoerotic and sexually ‘confused’ (or sophisticated) it is.

Happy Christmas everyone!